A Quick Renaissance Festival Outfit Refresh - Flower Crown:
On a bit of a whim, we decided to go to the Renaissance Festival in June. I ended up re-purposing fabric from a skirt I had made, but I decided I also needed a flower crown. Because, who doesn’t?
So I went off to Joann’s and got floral wire, floral tape, and a few different fake flower bunches (which happened to be on a crazy sale!), and for under $10 I was able to put together something I am really proud of.
I loosely followed Lauren Conrad’s tutorial on her blog, and I also used some hot glue, since I was using fake flowers with stiff plastic stems. I decided to just do the back half of the crown, because I liked that picture from her blog the best. I didn’t really want to figure out how to keep a half circle on my head, though, so I made a full circle. And I suppose I could wear it with the flowers in front, too!
Wrapping the floral tape around the entire circle before adding flowers was a bit tough because I couldn’t think of the right way to keep the tape from getting tangled. I ended up twirling the hoop rather than moving the tape roll around, and I think that’ll be my strategy for next time, too. Ripping smaller pieces off for attaching the flowers worked nicely.
It probably could have stayed on my head all by itself, but I decided to secure it with a few bobby pins. And I still have enough flowers to make another, or to replace any flowers that might fall off (it is my first attempt, after all) or get damaged.
If you’re looking for a good afternoon project (I did this while waiting on hold for hours), or for something to wear to any number of festivals (music, Renaissance, conventions), this one is very accessible to all skill levels, and can be totally customized based on your needs - you could use fall foliage, feathers, beads/gems, pom poms... Now I just want to make more!
Feeding my favorites at the festival. And this is probably the best shot of the back of my head so you can see the detail