I was sitting here, wondering what sort of topic would be deserving of being my first blog post and I couldn't really come up with anything that felt completely worthy. So instead of trying to be super meaningful and introspective, I decided to just keep it short and sweet, and maybe state my intentions.
I am all over the place as far as what I enjoy doing. I hope to share projects, musings, and songs with you. If I travel, I want you to travel with me. If I find something everyone should know about, I will put it here.
In the next few weeks, I'm hoping to write about some of my sewing projects, maybe share a song or two with you, and share some random thoughts that are just dying to escape from my brain. And so I leave you with one of my favorite pictures of me and my sister, just having a fun time in Disneyland - I figure it kind of sums up how I want this blog to be: exciting, fun, and a little silly.
Cheers :)
I am on the left, and my little sister Maddie is on the right (photo cred goes to her!)