How Disneybounding Kick-Started my Spring Cleaning
Because I’m a huge nerd and love Disney, I decided to do the March Disneybound Challenge again this year. You might remember I did it last year, too, because everyday I shared my outfits with you guys on Instagram, and then summed it all up in a blog post. Well, looks like I did that all again this year (sorry, not sorry).
This March, I’m proud to say that I only repeated 2 characters/bounds (Ariel, minnie), and on those repeats, I either had new accessories or the outfit was completely different! I did use pieces of clothing that I used last year, and I had to reuse some articles of clothing for multiple bounds, but I tried to be as original as I could (without just buying all the clothes 🙃).
I have a little more color versatility than I did a year ago, but I still lack some basics (like solid colors). There are some characters that I just can’t pull off because (for example) my purple pieces don’t layer/pair well with other items, or the only orange thing I own is plaid (kudos to me for having something orange this year, though!!) I also kept realizing how much I want more cardigans.
My wardrobe still includes things that I love on the hanger, or the idea of having just in case, but I don’t wear them. It’s ridiculous. And since I griped about wanting all my clothes in one place, I haven’t done much to actually make that a reality…yet. I’ve got some good excuses. You might remember that I mentioned wanting to re-vamp my creative space (and even did a little bit) early in 2017, but those plans got a bit derailed because we ended up having to remodel our kitchen due to a leak that caused mold, which made it more difficult than I would have liked to get everything else done April-October (and still have time to pursue hobbies other than organizing my house). Then of course we got swept up in the holidays, and now somehow we’re well into 2018!
So what did I start doing mid-March? Well, organizing my craft room, of course! And it’s one heck of a job, let me tell you. I take most of my outfit selfies in that room, too, so I had to push my piles out of the way enough to get a photo that didn’t look like I live in a hoarders house (remember, people, Instagram is NOT real-life, as much as we might try to make it).
And, with it officially being spring, I’m actually really excited to get this project done. And then move on to the rest of the house. Because of our kitchen remodel, both the extra bedroom on the main floor and the guest room in the basement are disaster zones because we ended up having to move a TON of stuff around. We had to move EVERYTHING out of the kitchen, mostly into the main floor extra bedroom, and some downstairs to the wet-bar area that we turned into our temporary kitchen. And THAT meant that much of what was in the wet bar area needed to be moved, and it went into the guest room. Our garage currently has all our old cabinets, some of which will get hung in the garage for Nathaniel’s workbench area, and the rest will go in our laundry room for extra storage. We only JUST got rid of our old stove (donated it!), which is a good step in the right direction, too.
With a full time job, animals, a husband I like spending time with, rehearsals two nights a week, personal music projects, sewing/crafting projects and a social life, it’s been REALLY hard lately for me to feel like my home is at all put together. But I need to feel proud of my house. I need to be comfortable with people coming to visit rather than apologizing profusely any time someone walks in the door because I don’t think it’s clean enough. So I am going to dedicate more time to this, and hopefully that sense of cleanliness will become a feeling of calm in my life.