Since my hand has been getting better, I've started getting more active again. I rarely don't do something just because I'm still stiff, because I can usually figure out reasonable ways to make things comfortable (and using my hand helps strengthen it!).
However, that slowness I was forced into seems to have nearly vanished. I’ve felt the need to go for runs as often as possible because I didn’t work out at all right after the pins were put into my hand, and had to begin again slowly. I also have been struggling to understand all the medical bills we keep getting, so I’ve been spending way too much time pouring over health insurance papers. (I’ve learned a lot I wish I didn’t have to. 😜 Long story short, we’ve got decent insurance, but they’ve found ways to not cover as much as they used to…).
Since it's springtime, all the baby cows are out along the trails I run!
We have two trips coming up, though (a weekend in New York at the end of the month, and 3 weeks in Europe next month), so there’s that! But vacations also involve a lot of planning (planes, trains, automobiles…hotels, food, museums…) so I’ve also had that on my mind. At least that’s fun research!
With my hand getting better, I’ve also been cooking more, because I can actually hold things (imagine not even being able to drain a pot of pasta), and I can wash dishes now, too, since I don’t have to be worried about getting a cast or splint wet. This weekend is my mom’s 60th birthday, so I’m cooking her a yummy meal. 😋
I also am finally going to start sewing again! Hubby made me a GIANT table out of an old door, and I just bought some fabric to make a skirt, and I can’t wait to get started tonight! My craft room is still a mess from having to re-organize and make room for the huge table, but it’s clean enough to start a project (and I could keep procrastinating FOREVER if I strive for organization perfection and don’t just start).
It’s exciting that I’m able to begin doing the things I love (and that the more I work at it, the more I can do). But I’m having a hard time balancing activities, chores and relaxation. I’m doing so much that I’m tired a LOT, and I think I’m just trying to make up for lost time. Luckily, because we have some trips coming up I’ll be forced to do things a bit differently, which I think will greatly benefit the balance in my life. 2016 started out a bit rough, but it feels like things are looking up :)