I spent my sick days drinking cup after cup of tea and/or soup, reading, journaling, watching TV... it was practically perfect, minus the whole cough part.
I've never been good at taking time for myself. Not to just sit and be still, at least. It's partly because I say yes to (probably too many) things, and partly because my mind is constantly spinning with new ideas. I tend to overbook myself, albeit with fun things for the most part. I mostly enjoy my life, but I find myself constantly tired, and my to-do list never gets any shorter. You should see my list of passions/hobbies. It includes so many songs to record, ideas to write, outfits to sew, projects to craft... That's why I had to work on my creative space - it wasn't working in my favor.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago I got sick - nothing major, don't be too alarmed. It was just a really annoying cough, and it came at a super inopportune time, because I had choir concerts the next weekend, and as a singer, it's rough not being able to use your instrument.
I slept as much as possible the first night of this sickness, hoping it would pass quickly. I had been hoping the pesky cough was just because we went to a loud concert the night before. But instead, I woke up the next morning and it was WORSE! So I decided to skip everything, even my routine Saturday morning yoga class, sleeping more than I have in ages, and asking hubby to bring me soup because I was pathetic 😜 JK, but he was super sweet and helped me as much as he could. Sunday was a little better, but I still took it easy, skipping my workout, and instead catching up on some journaling, reading and TV.
You don't need daily recaps from the rest of my illness, but what I'm getting at is that I think my body was telling me something. I pride myself in how little I get sick, actually. Before this, I don't specifically remember the last time I had a cold. I used to get sick a lot, especially when I was in school. I think it was because of stress, lack of sleep and not taking proper care of myself. I didn't prioritize my fitness or my nutrition, on top of having a full-time school schedule and a part-time job. Once I really started on my fitness journey a couple years ago, yes, I started to fit in my clothes better and I gained confidence, but I also felt more energized, and I got sick a lot less.
I think maybe this cold came about to tell me to slow down, sleep more, and focus on me a bit more. Even though I've been doing my best to keep up with my fitness routine, it isn't leaving me as energized as it used to, and I definitely haven't been eating as many veggies as I should be. On top of that, I don't sleep enough (it's soooo hard to wake up in the morning), and almost every day has something planned.
I'm better now, but I think I need to re-work my daily routine so I get to sleep more, and I need to re-assess what is important right now. For my own sake (both physically and mentally). Taking time for myself needs to be more of a priority.