One-Handed Adventures
Tomorrow, I hopefully get the pins taken out of my hand, which hopefully means I get to start getting back to my normal self. This whole ordeal has really made me appreciate being able to function at 100%.
So, I thought I’d share a bit about my one-handed adventures, because it’s been a while!
I very much enjoy baking and cooking, and I had cookie cravings, and my husband’s birthday was last week, so I didn’t let having broken fingers completely stop me. I kept recipes simple - I needed to be able to use my stand mixer, and nothing could be too crazy large or heavy since anything I carry is with one hand. I did make some pretty sweet little footballs for the Super Bowl, though!
Don't worry, this sock is clean.
For a while, my “cleaning” consisted of small organizational tasks, trying to keep common areas looking nice, but as I started to feel better, I was able to start sweeping and vacuuming. I know it sounds lame, but after a while you just want your space to be clean, and clean-looking. As much as possible, I’ve tried to only use dishes that can be thrown in the dishwasher, because I still can’t hand-wash things because I can’t get my cast wet. I have been able to fold laundry, but it’s a very slow process, and turning socks right side in is a royal pain in the butt.
With the pins in my hand, I haven’t done yoga, and I miss it. The pressure that could potentially be put on the bones, even in modified poses, isn’t something the doctor wanted me to do, so I (very impatiently) am waiting for the day I can go back. So instead I’ve been walking a lot, and finally, about 3.5 weeks after my surgery, I started running again. Easy runs, slower than I’d like, but I’ll get it back.
All of my usual creative outlets require two hands: crafting, sewing, playing my instruments… I guess at least I can call these activities physical therapy once I’m allowed to start doing them again. I tried making myself an orange bow for the Super Bowl, which ended up looking pretty stupid, but whatever, it was the only orange I could find. I also made a construction paper card for Nathaniel’s birthday, which was ok, but would have been a lot prettier if I’d been fully-functional. My sister, her boyfriend and I all went to a painting class, too, and luckily I got by just fine with one hand.
Going out:
At least my cast matches my favorite dress!
Most times this is fine. Every once in a while I have to have Nathaniel cut my food for me (one time a waitress asked if she could). But the biggest difference is that everyone asks how I hurt myself (and many people joke that I must have punched someone). I don’t mind - it’s nice that, in general, people are extremely friendly, kind-hearted and wish me well. Most people agree, though, that the story is pretty lame, and I should make up a story about saving babies from a burning building. ;)
Here’s hoping that tomorrow goes well, and that I’ll be closer to normal soon!