Getting the penguin to pose is not easy...
Well, Halloween came and went, and I was able to finish our costumes, which were a big hit! I wanted to finish out this series with some photos of the finished project, and some last little DIY details.
At a local costume shop, I found a white lace umbrella. One of my favorite details from the movie is the talking parrot on Mary's umbrella, so I bought some bake-able clay and white acrylic paint, and got creative. At first I tried making a general shape and then sculpting out the details with toothpicks and other kitchen utensils. This worked ok, but I wasn't quite loving the outcome, so I started over. I had removed the plastic handle from the umbrella, so I was able to start by making a cylinder that would fit over the metal end. I then made a couple more cylinders to layer over the first, which became layers of feathers after I cut out triangles along the bottom edge. For the head I used the pinch pot method I learned in kindergarten to made a bowl shape, which I attached to the biggest cylinder. I attached the beak (two folded triangles) and the eyes (increasingly smaller layered ovals). I smoothed everything out as best I could, and baked him. Once he was done and cooled, I painted him white (two coats). Once dry, I just eased the metal umbrella end into the hole I made at the beginning, and luckily it was just snug enough to go in far enough to be stable and not fall out. I'm so, so happy with this detail!
Like I mentioned in Part 2, my "dress" was actually three pieces. A skirt, a blouse and a corset. I got lucky and found a used red corset for $12 at a costume shop, and then I just added some white ribbon accents to it. Had I had more time, I may have decided to shorten my corset, since Mary's dress's red middle doesn't cover her bust, but I think I pulled it off ok without that alteration.
Spats are cloth pieces that cover your shoe and ankle, and something you don't really see in the modern fashion world. But Mary Poppins wears them, so I did too! I found a tutorial online, and made super simple white spats. Instead of making actual button holes (because that's more time intensive), I used iron-on velcro, and glued on red buttons. I found some white tights and luckily I still have some white heels that I got in high school, and the spats went great over them.
Makeup and other finishing touches:
I didn't do anything too over the top with my makeup. I used black eyeliner with a slight wing, and some shimmery eye shadow. I did, however, decide to go for a bright red lip, and matching red nails. I also used a simple pink blush, which I hardly ever wear.
Both Mary and Burt wear gloves, and I found some simple white ones for Burt, and some fingerless lace ones for Mary. Of course I forgot to put on the gloves for most of our pictures, but there are much worse things I could have forgotten. I also found a cheap bamboo cane at a costume shop for Burt.
I am so happy I went through with this idea - I absolutely love Mary Poppins, and I don't think it could have turned out any better! Now to start planning for next year... I wonder if I'll ever be able to top this??